Friday 9 September 2016

The man who kept falling in love with his wife

Image result for clive wearing

Today we began our study of memory by briefly discussing the fascinating case of Clive Wearing, who has lost most of his long-term memories, and cannot create new ones either. There's lots of information out there (too much? is his privacy being respected?) - but here is an interesting article to start with.

We then got a big technical and tested the duration of our short-term memories, with varying levels of success. The class results were not quite as expected but we had a good discussions as to why this might be.

Today's powerpoint is here.

We also discussed some fairly dry research methods - independent variables and dependent variables. The worksheet is here


  1. My earliest memory is of my Dad making scrambled eggs for tea whilst my Mum was in hospital giving birth to my brother

  2. My earliest memory was triggered by a song on my playlist. It triggered the memory of me sitting on a red sofa, watching the fire.

  3. My earliest memory is the first time I managed to climb out of my cot in the middle of the night and sneak downstairs.

  4. My earliest memory is walking along Sydney harbour bridge holding a pink bag with a sheep on it eating ice cream.

  5. My earliest memory is meeting Ariel from the little mermaid at Disney world Florida when I was 2
