Friday 14 October 2016

Types of long-term memory

Today we discussed types of long-term memory, partly derived by Tulving to offset the criticism that the multi-store-model is too simplistic. Procedural memories are how to do things ie ride a bicycle, semantic memories  are memories for facts and knowledge and episodic memories are memories for personal events.

Evidence for these three types of memories comes largely from the study of brain-injured patients who have deficits in one of these areas of memory and not another e.g HM, whose procedural memory was OK but whose semantic memory was severely damaged.

Today's ppt is here. The handout with research evidence is here

Thursday 13 October 2016

Evaluating the MSM

Today we polished off the Multi-Store-Model by evaluating it and discussing it's strengths and weaknesses. It is important that you are able to use the supporting/opposing evidence (Glanzer & Cunitz, case-studies etc) really well, and explain what their implications are for the model.

Today's ppt is here